Meet Dr. Marion Pierson

Inspired by the work that Detroit Hives has done converting vacant lots into apiaries, Dr. Pierson researched how she could launch something similar in the Blue Hills neighborhood of Kansas City. Looking for partners and mentors, Dr. Pierson found Brian Reeves, an established beekeeper, and he jumped on board to help build the MO Hives concept.

Dr. Pierson is a full time, practicing pediatritian and the work that she’s done with MO Hives is informed by her medical background. The connection between human and honeybee and pollinator health is direct and undeniable. If we don’t have pollinators, we don’t have food to eat, as one in every three bites of food requires a pollinator for propigation. Dr. Pierson aligns individual health, community health and environmental health, creating a “sweet spot” for her work.

Catherine Neville